H.R. Jothipala
F / m4-27c

ඔබ ළඟ ඉන්න - A (Orig Key: F)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 

|D |- |- |-

|A/D |A/D |A/D |A/D

|D |- |- |-

|A |D |A |-

|A |D |E |A

|D |- |- |-


|A | | |Bm

obe laNge inne laNge inne magee waasenaa

|E | |E7 |A

maa amethanne sanesanne magee waasenaa


Interlude 1

|A |Bm |A |Bm

|A |D |A |-

|A |D |E |A

|D/A |D/A |D/A |D/A


|A |Bm |D |

rzwdhee haNde rzwdhee - szthepii obe mahadhee

|A D |A D |E |A

obe nzthi niwesete dhzlwEne lasseNe pahan motedhe ranwan


|A |Bm |D |

sihinEn obe Enewaa - sathutin popiyenewaa

|A D |A D |E |A

obe gzne mathekeye matheke thiyaagEne mame thaniweme innam

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